New Business Doctor

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Wer schreibt bleibt – erfolgreich im Neugeschäft

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Was? Sie gehören nicht zu den Literaten, die sich wochenlang einsperren, um endlich ihr Meisterstück fertigzustellen? Sie sind lieber draußen beim Kunden, sitzen in Meetings und telefonieren sich die Ohrmuscheln heiß? Aber vielleicht ist gerade jetzt die richtige Zeit, um mal eine kreative Pause einzulegen, Meetings Meetings und Kunden Kunden sein zu lassen und etwas Bleibendes zu schaffen: Ein Buch. Vielleicht ein wenig old-school und off-line, aber durchaus effektiv für's Neugeschäft.

5 Gründe warum Sie als Agentur-Chef (oder -Chefin) ernsthaft überlegen sollten ein Buch zu schreiben:

  1. Weil Sie etwas zu sagen haben.
  2. Weil Sie damit Ihre Glaubwürdigkeit steigern.
  3. Weil Sie Ihre Bekanntheit bei potenziellen Auftraggebern steigern.
  4. Weil die meisten Ihrer Wettbewerber kein Buch haben.
  5. Weil Sie den Content doch eigentlich schon haben.

Ein lesenswertes Marketingfachbuch kann eine wertvolle Quelle für mehr Bekanntheit, mediale Aufmerksamkeit und Neugeschäft sein. Ein effektives Eigenmarketing-Tool, das neue Auftraggeber erreicht, Interesse an Ihrer Agentur weckt, Kompetenz vermittelt, Vertrauen aufbaut und, wenn Si es wie Ex-Werber Frank Schätzing machen, Ihnen einen ehrenhaften und feudalen Ausstieg aus der Branche ermöglicht.

Sie brauchen etwas Inspiration, um Ihre Schreibblockade zu überwinden? Hier weiter unten eine Auswahl teilweise großartiger Bücher Ihrer mehr oder weniger berühmten Agenturkollegen.

Die folgende Liste erhebt keinen Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit. Die Buchbeschreibungen stammen weitgehend von Amazon. Wenn Sie auf einen Buchdeckel klicken, sollten Sie direkt zu dem Buch auf die Amazon Seite weiter geleitet werden. Falls Ihnen das Buch eines Werbers in der Liste fehlt, bitte unbedingt einen Kommentar am Ende dieses Posts hinterlassen.

Geständnisse eines Werbemannes: Das Kultbuch vom Vater der modernen Werbung: David Ogilvy

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Über 30 Jahre ist es her, daß David Ogilvys »Geständnisse eines Werbemannes« zum ersten Mal veröffentlicht und zum Verkaufsschlager wurden. Zur »Bibel der Werber« avanciert, hat das Buch nichts an Spritzigkeit, Wahr- und Weisheit eingebüßt. Spannend, rasant, informativ und immer wieder voller Esprit gibt der »Grand Old Man« der Werbung unterhaltsame Lektionen und witzige Bonmots für Kreative und Klientel zum Besten. David Ogilvys einfache aber um so schlagkräftigere Grundsätze gehören bis heute zur Pflichtlektüre für jeden, der es in der Werbebranche zu etwas bringen will. In der sich rasch wandelnden Werbewelt profitieren sowohl Einsteiger als auch Profis von den bis heute gültigen Prinzipien und richtungsweisenden Ideen eines der wichtigsten Werber unserer Zeit.


Paul Arden: Egal, was du denkst, denk das Gegenteil.

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Von der ersten bis zur letzten Seite Spaß und Nutzwert für Querdenker und solche, die es werden wollen. Die Kurzbeiträge, Themen, Überschriften, Statements, Ideen, und Aufforderungen sitzen. Alle! Und viele der Gedanken bringe ich nicht mehr aus dem Kopf. Seine geniale "Bildersprache" und seine gut gewählten Metaphern verhindern dies. Das ist Lesegenuss mit Denkzwang. Kürzer lassen sich die Themen nicht mehr fassen. Das ist Klasse statt Masse. Zu Ende Gedachtes beansprucht wenig Worte.

"Überraschen Sie mich!" heißt die Aufforderung in einem der letzten "Kapitel" seines Buches. Und genau das ist Paul Arden, dem ehemaligen Creative Director von Saatchi and Saatchi gelungen. (Axel Haitzer -

Mario Pricken: Kribbeln im Kopf.

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Kribbeln im Kopf hat die Szene im Sturm erobert, hat auf Kopf und Bauch der Kreativen gezielt und ins Herz getroffen.  Die Presse feierte das Buch mit Kreativitätstechniken und Brain-Tools für Werbung und Design, und Mario Pricken bewies die Power seiner Tools in unzähligen Seminaren. Die Idee, die Kreativtechniken hinter den weltweit besten Arbeiten aus Werbung und Grafikdesign zu extrahieren, ist ja auch genial!

Mario Pricken arbeitet seit siebzehn Jahren in den Creative Industries und hat seit 2001 vier Bücher zum Thema Kreativität und Innovation sowie das Arbeitswerkzeug "Creative Sessions Box" publiziert. Er inspiriert seit mehr als zwölf Jahren als Innovation Director und Consultant Marketingabteilungen internationaler Unternehmen, namhafte Agenturen, Designfirmen und Fernsehstationen. Kaum jemand kennt so viele Kreativunternehmen von innen wie er.

Momentum - Die Kraft, die Werbung heute braucht.

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Holger Jung und Jean-Remy von Matt. Die zwei vermutlich kreativsten Köpfe der deutschen Werbung gewähren Einblick in ihre Methoden und Geheimnisse. Ihre Agentur JUNG von MATT gilt als die innovativste der deutschen Werbebranche. Sie haben jeden Preis eingeheimst, der für erfolgreiche Werbung zu vergeben ist, und das gleich mehrfach. In ihrem Marketing-Bestseller MOMENTUM erläutern Holger Jung und Jean-Remy von Matt ihr Credo: Für Kommunikation gibt es Regeln. Für gute Kommunikation die Ausnahmen. Die beiden Werbepäpste liefern Erkenntnisse, Anekdoten und Fallbeispiele. Sie reflektieren die Wirkweise von Werbung, analysieren, mit welcher Strategie der gestresste und zugleich verwöhnte Konsument heute zu packen ist. Denn nie hatten Verbraucher so viele Möglichkeiten, Werbung aus dem Weg zu gehen in einer Welt, in der die Digitalisierung von Medien und Alltag viele bewährte Werberegeln außer Kraft gesetzt hat. Doch auch das Gegenteil stimmt: Noch nie gab es so viele Möglichkeiten, mit Werbung zu begeistern. Nur wer sein persönliches Das-kann-doch-nicht-wahr-sein-Depot ausschöpft, kann begeistern. Dabei muss Werbung eine neue Kraft entwickeln, die das permanente Grundrauschen der Marketingkommunikation durchbricht. Aus der Schule geplaudert für alle, die viel Zeit mit Werbung verbringen. Und für alle, die viel Geld in Werbung investieren.

How to catch the Big Idea: Die Strategien der Top-Kreativen.

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Großartige Werbeideen sind kein Zufall, sondern das Ergebnis eines konsequent gemanagten Wertschöpfungsprozesses. Was Top-Kreative bei ihrer Arbeit gemeinsam haben, zeigt dieses Buch, belegt durch zahlreiche Zitate aus Interviews, die der Autor mit über 70 Top-Kreativen aus 15 Ländern geführt hat. Dabei geht es nicht mehr um die Frage "Wer ist kreativ?", sondern "Wer ist schneller, öfter und präziser kreativ?"
Das Buch bietet allen am kreativen Prozess Beteiligten eine praxisnahe Struktur zur Erarbeitung der Kommunikationsidee mit insgesamt 12 Arbeitsphasen, vom ersten Gespräch mit dem Auftraggeber über das Briefing, die Informationssammlung, die strategische Formulierung des Benefits, die Ideenfindung, -beschreibung und -bewertung bis hin zur Produktion und zum Schutz der Idee. Es zeigt ihnen, wie sie ihren eigenen Denk- und Arbeitsprozess optimieren können - wirksam, nachvollziehbar und selbstbestimmt.
"How to Catch the Big Idea" liefert kraftvoll-inspirierende Fragen für die Tagesarbeit, konkrete und nachvollziehbare Tipps für den Umgang mit Ideen. Von der kreativen Strategie-Entwicklung bis zu deren Umsetzung vermittelt dieses Buch praxisnah die Grundlagen für eine effektivere und kreativere Arbeitsstruktur. Wer von den weltweit besten der Branche lernen möchte, wird dieses Buch lieben.

How to Write an Inspired Creative Brief.

An excellent read. An even better blueprint. Howard Ibach has captured in less than fifty pages what some ad people don't learn in a lifetime.

Being a working Creative Director myself, I found this book to be both insightful and instructional. Not only has Howard captured the essence and strong points that go into writing a competent and useful briefing document, but also the pratfalls. Peppered with annecdotes and sage quotes from great admen, this book inspires you to strive for a better quality of work. Not to just knock out a necessary evil but to actually pause and take the time to craft a document that will not only empower the agency to do better work but raise the level of communication that the client has with their audience.

What's nice about its appoach is that it schools not only account people, who thoeretically "create" the briefs, but creatives to help in the process as well. Following its advice, you can expect much better communication between the "creatives" and the "suits" and within the agaency as a whole.

In short, this is a must read for anyone who is commited to excelling in advertising--and removing one of the biggest internal headaches you will encounter in your career. -Jerbone

Uprising: How to Build a Brand (and Change the World) By Sparking Cultural Movements.

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Movement marketing is changing the world. It's the new way forward for anyone trying to win customers' loyalty, influence public opinion, and even change the world. In Uprising, Scott Goodson, founder and CEO of StrawberryFrog, the world's first cultural movement agency, shows how your idea or organization can successfully ride this wave of cultural movements to authentically connect to the lives and passions of people everywhere. We are in the midst of a profound cultural transformation in which technology is making it easier than ever for anyone to share ideas, goals, and interests. Working with companies and brands ranging from SmartCar to Pampers to Jim Beam to India's Mahindra Group, StrawberryFrog and Goodson have led a paradigm focal shift away from one-on-one selling to sharing.

Using client case studies and contributions from a global team of movement marketing forerunners Goodson details why and how individuals and companies are embracing the movement phenomenon. He then applies these insights to practical steps that you can take right now to reach people through what matters most to them, including: Stop talking about yourself and align these values with what people are for (or against) "Light the spark" to give people tools to spread your gospel Adjust concepts to travel across borders and link people across cultural boundaries The examples and guidance in this book will prepare you to find, connect to, and even lead the next big movement. What happens next is up to you. Get up. Go out. And create a brand Uprising of your own.

Juicing the Orange: How to Turn Creativity Into a Powerful Business Advantage.

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Too many companies think creativity means throwing money into marketing efforts and giving lip service to "out of the box" thinking. But such efforts rarely have a positive impact on the bottom line. Pat Fallon and Fred Senn argue that leaders have more creativity within their organizations than they realize--but they inadvertently stifle it or channel it in ineffective ways. Juicing the Orange outlines a disciplined approach to building creativity actively into the organizational culture and leveraging that creativity into campaigns that deliver measurable results. Drawing from 25 years of successful marketing and acclaimed, award-winning work, the authors show that bankable, creative ideas come from zeroing in on the one key business problem that must be solved and then rigorously unearthing insights that will lead to a spectacular solution. Behind-the-scenes stories of successful and failed campaigns for companies in diverse industries reveal the core secrets of training for creativity: develop a proprietary brand emotion, offer big ideas without a big budget, and get customers to seek out your message. Illustrating the link between creativity and profits, Juicing the Orange helps industry players measure their success at the cash register.

Lovemarks: The Future Beyond Brands.

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"Ideas move mountains, especially in turbulent times. Lovemarks is the product of the fertile-iconoclast mind of Kevin Roberts, CEO Worldwide of Saatchi & Saatchi. Roberts argues vociferously, and with a ton of data to support him, that traditional branding practices have become stultified. What’s needed are customer Love affairs. Roberts lays out his grand scheme for mystery, magic, sensuality, and the like in his gloriously designed book Lovemarks.”
—Tom Peters

Sellout "Brand" or just plain "Bland"? In Lovemarks, advertising giant Saatchi & Saatchi CEO Kevin Roberts delves deep into what mysteries lie behind the long-term success and unwavering customer loyalty for a can of Coke or a pair of Levi's, ultimately concluding that Love is the answer, and without some emotional connection to a product, it will dry up like a generic raisin in the sun. Enter Lovemarks, the new marketing buzzword, which will likely be bandied about at board meetings as vigorously as The Tipping Point.

But before Roberts can get to what in fact a Lovemark means in the worlds of advertising and marketing, he takes us on a virtual tour of his CV. There was his first post at Mary Quant in London, then the gig as New Products Manager of Gillette International in the Middle East, on to CEO of Pepsi in Canada, and later the same role at Lion Nathan in New Zealand. The list goes on, and so does Roberts--on and on--about his achievements and experience building brand awareness and shaking things up (he famously machine-gunned a vending machine at a presentation for a spot on the evening news). More importantly, he succeeds at blasting away the smoke and mirrors that might prevent a creative genius (or an ordinary consumer) from seeing what makes Superman the most beloved super-hero of all time.

Disruption: Overturning Conventions and Shaking Up the Marketplace .

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Disruption: Overturning Conventions and Shaking Up the Marketplace is veteran advertising industry executive Jean-Marie Dru's iconoclastic proposal for replacing business-as-usual advertising and marketing philosophies with radical new thinking. He contends that this shift in thought will better position new and established products, brands, and services for the competitive battles to come. Dozens of laudable examples--from Oil of Olay and FedEx to TAG Heuer and Saturn--are fully examined, and suggestions for successfully employing their techniques are offered.

The most fascinating aspect of Jean-Marie Dru's book is that it gives you a new way of looking at things... Of finding solutions to problems... Be it in advertising or in any other profession. In 'Disruption', Dru sets up a premise for questioning conventional patterns and methods in order to move forward and beyond. To create path-breaking solutions in terms of strategies and communication. And, in support of his ideas, Dru provides examples from the world of advertising, where the forces of 'disruption' have indeed created memorable brands all around the world. Some, even before the publication of this book. Although the core idea in 'Disruption' originates in advertising, it actually transcends any trade or profession and influences the very essence of life itself. As Dru puts it succinctly in the preface of his book, 'Disruption is at once a method, a way of thinking, a state of mind.' This book is sure to change the way you look at advertising, and your life. -Biswajit Dey

The Power of Small: Why Little Things Make All the Difference.

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The authors of the national bestseller THE POWER OF NICE once again tackle conventional wisdom with a provocative and counterintuitive book about the importance of sweating the small stuff in our lives and in our careers.

Our smallest actions and gestures often have outsized impact on our biggest goals, say Linda Kaplan Thaler and Robin Koval. Did you double-check that presentation one last time, or hold the elevator for a stranger? Going that extra inch – whether with a client, customer, family member, or friend – speaks volumes to others about our talent, personality, and motivations. After all, if we can’t take care of the small details, how can we be counted on to deliver when it really matters?

In today’s challenging times, bigger isn’t always better. In fact, it’s often the baby steps that put us on the path to delivering a true competitive advantage. The real secret to getting ahead in life and in our careers is to refocus our attention on the small details that, if disregarded, can sabotage a multimillion-dollar ad campaign or undermine your most important relationships. Kaplan Thaler and Koval show how to get more of what you want with surprisingly less than you’d imagine.

Written in the same entertaining, story-driven style that made THE POWER OF NICE the go-to book for finishing first, THE POWER OF SMALL demonstrates how all of us can harness the power of small to improve and reinvent our lives. It’s the ultimate guide to shrinking your outlook to broaden your horizons.

Get SMALL and get going!

The Marketing Agency Blueprint: The Handbook for Building Hybrid PR, SEO, Content, Advertising, and Web Firms

Build a disruptive marketing agency for the modern age

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The marketing services industry is on the cusp of a truly transformational period. The old guard, rooted in tradition and resistant to change, will fall and new leaders will emerge. Hybrid marketing agencies that are more nimble, tech savvy, and collaborative will redefine the industry. Digital services will be engrained into the DNA and blended with traditional methods for integrated campaigns. The depth, versatility, and drive of their talent will be the cornerstones of organizations that pursue a higher purpose. The Marketing Agency Blueprint is a practical and candid guide that presents ten rules for building such a hybrid agency.
The new marketing agency model will create and nurture diverse recurring revenue streams through a mix of services, consulting, training, education, publishing, and software sales. It will use efficiency and productivity, not billable hours, as the essential drivers of profitability. Its value and success will be measured by outcomes, not outputs. Its strength and stability will depend on a willingness to be in a perpetual state of change, and an ability to execute and adapt faster than competitors. The Marketing Agency Blueprint demonstrates how to:

  • Generate more qualified leads, win clients with set pricing and service packages, and secure more long-term retainers
  • Develop highly efficient management systems and more effective account teams
  • Deliver greater results and value to clients

 This is the future of the marketing services industry. A future defined and led by underdogs and innovators. You have the opportunity to be at the forefront of the transformation.

Hegarty on Advertising: Turning Intelligence Into Magic.

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Here is a book that no creative professional should be without. Written by one of the worlds leading advertising men, it contains over four decades of wisdom and insight from the man who put Nick Kamen into a laundrette for Levi Strauss and gave Audi the immortal Vorsprung durch Technik, amongst many, many other highly successful campaigns for major brands. "Hegarty on Advertising" represents the 21st centurys answer to David Ogilvys bestselling "Confessions of an Advertising Man" and provides both John Hegartys advice on the elements of advertising, from pitching to the effects of new technology, and the story of his career from his early days at Saatchi and Saatchi to the global force that Bartle, Bogle, Hegarty is today.

Marketing to Millennials: Reach the Largest and Most Influential Generation of Consumers Ever.

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The numbers cannot be ignored: eighty million Millennials wielding $200 billion in buying power are entering their peak earning and spending years. Companies that think winning their business is a simple matter of creating a Twitter account and applying outdated notions of “cool” to their advertising are due for a rude awakening. Marketing to Millennials is both an enlightening look at this generation of consumers and a practical plan for earning their trust and loyalty. Based on original market research, the book reveals the eight attitudes shared by most Millennials, as well as the new rules for engaging them successfully. Millennials: • Value social networking and aren’t shy about sharing opinions
• Refuse to remain passive consumers—they expect to participate in product development and marketing
• Demand authenticity and transparency
• Are highly influential—swaying parents and peers
• Are not all alike—understanding key segments is invaluable

Featuring expert interviews and profiles of brands doing Millennial marketing right, this eye-opening book is the key to persuading the customers who will determine the bottom line for decades to come.

Jeff Fromm is Executive Vice President at Barkley, with over 25 years' experience working with major brands including Hallmark, Sears, and PayLess. Christie Garton is a lawyer, entrepreneur, (and Millennial) whose U Chic Media company ( and best-selling college guidebook for women have received national attention.

It's Not What You Sell, It's What You Stand For: Why Every Extraordinary Business Is Driven by Purpose

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Over the last thirty-five years, Roy Spence has helped organizations such as Southwest Airlines, BMW, the University of Texas, Wal-Mart, the Clinton Global Initiative, and many others achieve greatness by obsessing about one big idea: purpose. With purpose as the North Star, employee engagement is higher, competition is less threatening, customers are more loyal, and innovation flows.

As Spence writes, "Purpose is a reason for being that goes beyond making money-and it almost always results in making more money than you ever thought possible." Especially during times of great economic uncertainty, purpose is the key to creating and maintaining a high- performing organization, deserving just as much attention as strategy, execution, and innovation.

These insider insights and case studies will help you discover your organization's purpose, proclaim it to the world, and apply it to everything you do.

Perfect Pitch: The Art of Selling Ideas and Winning New Business.

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Der New Business Doctor hatte das große Glück zusammen mit Jon Steel in einem Pitch-Team bei JWT London zusammen zu arbeiten. Ein wirklich großartiger Planner!

A professional "pitching coach" for one of the world's largest marketing conglomerates, Jon Steel shares his secrets and explains how you can create presentations and pitches that win hearts, minds, and new business. He identifies the dos and don'ts and uses real-world examples to prove his points. If you make pitches for new business, this is the perfect book for you.

The Hero and the Outlaw: Building Extraordinary Brands Through the Power of Archetypes.

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This book describes a system of meaning management, the first-ever systematic approach to successful brand meaning. 'This book illuminates the most ancient grooves in our mental architecture, which Carol Jung described as "archetypes", and shows how they can be employed to bring meaning and profit to a brand. There is a nascent power here, which, if understood correctly, can bring a rare vitality to a brand or a corporation' - From the Foreward by Alex Kroll former Creative Director, CEO and Chairman of Young & Rubicam. Some brands are so extraordinary that they become larger-than-life, symbolic of entire cultures, and used and admired by consumers the world over. But in spite of all the books and banter about branding, few companies come even close to developing iconic identities for their brands. New Internet brands are being born every minute, with lots of flash and fanfare, but often with no real human connection to make them truly relevant. At the same time, mature brands are diluting their identities in an attempt to respond to shifting trends, while other others attempt to graft meaning onto products in artificial and ineffectual ways. As a result, millions of advertising and promotional dollars are being squandered. Understanding and leveraging archetypal meanings - that is, finding the soul of your brand and then expressing it in ways that tap into universal feelings and instincts - are key prerequisites to effective marketing in today's intensely competitive and complex environment. Archetypes - which can be found in reoccurring patterns in art, literature, myth and fables - show us the way ...

Passion Brands: Why Some Brands Are Just Gotta Have, Drive All Night For, and Tell All Your Friends About.

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What makes some brands stand out from the pack year after year? In a vast marketplace glutted with countless "pretty good brands," how are some products able to command unquestionable customer loyalty and lasting enthusiasm?
Veteran business strategist Kate Newlin defines the key ingredients that go into passion brands—brands that we recommend to friends wholeheartedly, with a joyous, even evangelical zeal. Passion brands inspire an emotional attachment. Unlike consumer fads, we become personally invested in them, sometimes even more so than we do with our friends and loved ones.
Newlin identifies the social factors that have made passion brands the driving force in consumer marketing today. Based on proprietary research, which makes use of in-depth interviews with company executives as well as state-of-the-art analytics, she answers the following key questions:

• Are there common characteristics that enable passion brands to become carriers of personal meaning?
• What is the financial impact on a company that produces a passion brand?
• Do passion brands create a halo over the stock prices?

She notes that in a world of almost unlimited consumer choices, the old rules of marketing just don’t work anymore (product, package, position, price, and promotion). Now marketers must react to consumers in real time, encouraging "brand democracy" in which users can help decide a product’s characteristics, from size and color to how it should be marketed. Passion Brands is must reading for entrepreneurs and denizens of corporate cubicles and boardrooms alike.

Romancing the Brand: How Brands Create Strong, Intimate Relationships with Consumers.

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A young woman tells a focus group that Diet Coke is like her boyfriend. A twenty-something tattoos the logo of Turner Classic Movies onto his skin. These consumers aren’t just using these brands. They are engaging in a rich, complex, ever-changing relationship, and they’ll stay loyal, resisting marketing gimmicks from competitors and influencing others to try the brand they love.

How can marketers cultivate and grow the deep relationships that earn this kind of love and drive lasting success for their brands?

In Romancing the Brand, branding expert Tim Halloran reveals what it takes to make consumers fall in love with your brand. Step by step,he reveals how to start, grow, maintain, and troubleshoot a flourishing relationship between brand and consumer. Along the way, Halloran shares the secrets behind establishing a mutually beneficial “romance.” Drawing on exclusive, in-depth interviews with managers of some of the world’s most iconic brands, Romancing the Brand arms you with an arsenal of classic and emerging marketing tools—such as benefit laddering and word-of-mouth marketing—that make best-in-class brands so successful. The book is filled with examples, strategies, and tools from powerful brands that consumers love, including Coke, Dos Equis, smartwater, the Atlanta Falcons, Domino’s Pizza, Bounty, Turner Classic Movies, and many more.

Ultimately, Romancing the Brand provides marketers with a set of principles for making brands strong, resilient, and beloved—and the insight and confidence to use them.

Hey, Whipple, Squeeze This: The Classic Guide to Creating Great Ads

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Hey Whipple, Squeeze This has inspired a generation of ad students, copywriters, and young creatives to make their mark in the industry. But students need new guidance to ply their craft now in the digital world. This new fourth edition explains how to bring brand stories into interactive, dynamic places online, in addition to traditional television, radio, print, and outdoor ads.
Creativity is still king, but this new edition contains:
* Important new chapters and updates that bring Whipple into the new digital world
* New content and examples for how to use social media and other emerging platforms
* Illustrate what's changing in the new world of advertising--and what isn't
Hey Whipple, Squeeze This! will help sharpen your writing chops, unleash your creativity, and help raise the level of your work from hack to master craftsman.

The Art of the Pitch: Persuasion and Presentation Skills that Win Business

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Occasionally, a great idea will sell itself. The other 99% of the time, you have to find a way to persuade others that it is, in fact, a great idea. Most executives spend the vast majority of their time creating their work, and almost no time on the presentation. Through an engaging and humorous narrative, Peter Coughter presents the tools he designed to help advertising and marketing professionals develop persuasive presentations that deliver business. Readers will learn how to hone their individual natural presentation style, how to organize a powerful presentation, how to harness the elegant power of simplicity, how to truly connect with an audience, how to rehearse effectively, and most importantly, how to win.